Month: June 2001

Sunshine For Your Soul

Many people feel cheerful in fair weather, but they are depressed when skies are gray. The travel industry thrives on this fact by luring millions of people to brighter climates. There's nothing wrong with enjoying the sun and its many benefits. But if we rely on good weather to maintain our good cheer, the climate of our inner world will be as changeable as the weather.

'Can You Hear Me?'

A man was having some difficulty communicating with his wife, and he concluded that she was becoming hard of hearing. So he decided to conduct a test without her knowing about it.

Knowing The Creator

A tour bus along with several cars had stopped in front of the artist's house. People wandered around pointing at the towering steel sculptures glinting in the sun, while their cameras zoomed in on silver turbines spinning in the morning breeze. One person paused long enough to read the plaque on the wrought iron fence surrounding the sculpture garden. It happens almost every day not far from where I live.

Who Cares?

A political leader, summing up the brokenness of our time, talked about a "Humpty-Dumpty world." The intriguing phrase takes us back to a childhood nursery rhyme:

Happy Fathers

Some people have attributed to Mark Twain the statement, "When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in 7 years."

The Pain Of A Father's Love

In 1968, Admiral Elmo Zumwalt Jr. took command of the American naval forces in Vietnam. In an effort to reduce US casualties, he ordered the waterways sprayed with the chemical defoliant Agent Orange. It was a move designed to push back the jungle and make it harder for North Vietnamese to ambush Navy river patrol boats at point-blank range.

It's Not An Easy Road

I have a friend who's trying to find his way through the fog of doubt. While he still believes that God is good, much of what he's experiencing seems to contradict that. He's questioning the value of virtue because he sees another person's vice go unpunished. Although he knows that he ought to enjoy his walk with God, right now it's more duty than delight.

The Ultimate Tragedy

It was an immense tragedy. More than two million pilgrims had gathered outside Mecca to take part in an annual religious event when something caused a stampede. After the dust had settled, nearly 200 people lay dead, trampled in the mad rush.

Paying The Price

Imagine being able to do anything you wanted to do without having to be concerned about costs or consequences. You could have success without risk or sacrifice. A happy marriage without having to work at it. Education without exams.